Monday - Friday 7:00am to 4:00pm
Phone: (302) 732-3211
Effective August 1, 2010 the Delaware Solid Waste Authority (DSWA) will not be signing on any NEW CUSTOMERS for the DSWA single-stream curbside recycling program. This policy has been put in place to begin the transition of curbside recycling services from DSWA to municipalities and private trash haulers, which is required in the new Universal Recycling Law. The Governor’s Universal Recycling Bill was signed into law June 8, 2010. DSWA believes the Universal Recycling Law will significantly increase the amount of recycling participation in Delaware by requiring the municipalities and the private trash haulers to provide curbside recycling service to all of their customers. The new law also requires DSWA to stop offering curbside recycling and yard waste collection services as of September 15, 2011. DSWA will continue to service existing recycling customers but will not be accepting any new customers. For more information please call our Citizen’s Response Line 1-800-404-7080.
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